Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28

Granbury Massage and Wellness

Beverly Diane Hodge LMT, MMP, CNHP

Hi, I’m Beverly. I go by Bev or Diane. I have over 20 years of active massage therapy behind me. I have been in practice since 2002. I am also training in Naturopathy. I have several Doctors and Chiropractors that are clients as well as referring their patients in for treatment. I am skilled in many modalities such as Swedish Massage, Therapeutic Massage, Deep Tissue, and Trigger Point Massage, Medical Massage, Pain Therapy, Sports Massage, Quality Care Massage, Lymphatic Drainage, Myoskeletal Alignment, Prenatal/Postnatal Massage, and infant care, Raindrop Therapy, Hot Stone Therapy, Reflexology, Myofascial Release, Headache Therapy, Homeopathy, Zyto Scanning, and I am a Naturopath in training to help your health issues from the inside out as well as training in Cranio Sacral Therapy. If you are looking for an overall health transformation book with me and let’s get you on that right track to health improvement

Cheriba Cooke

Cheriba Cooke LMT

Hi, I am Cheriba. I am a Massage Therapist. It is my passion and I’ve been a therapist for over 30 years, since 1995. 
I was voted Best Massage Therapist in Parker County 2016, before having to relocate.
The modalities I offer are Swedish, Therapeutic, Deep Tissue, Trigger Point, Reflexology, Hot Stones, Cupping, RTR(Rapid Tension Release),TMJ, Sinus, and Indian Head Massage. I have also worked alongside a chiropractor doing massages on clients before adjustments. I have worked on doctors and staff at hospitals and clinics also. I am more than happy to help you manage pain and provide you relief and achieve a general feeling of well being. I look forward to meeting you and helping you get your body back on track!

Michelle Blaylock LMT

Hello, I am Michelle Blaylock. I have lived in Hood County most of my life and love serving my community.  I became a licensed Massage Therapist in October of 2003.  I love the benefits of massage and the ability to bring betterment, flexibility and serenity to my clients.  I offer a variety of massage modalities.  I specialize in Therapeutic, Deep Tissue, Palliative and end of life Massage Therapy.  I am excited to meet you and get started on your path to relaxation and well-being.

Beverly Hodge LMT, MMP, CNHP

License # MT041008

Cheriba Cooke LMT

License # MT011935

Michelle Blaylock LMT

License # MT039103

Gift Certificates Available Call 817-579-7722 


Book Your Massage Session Today

To book your session, give us a call or visit our website. We offer convenient appointment options to accommodate your schedule and provide you with the relaxation and relief you deserve.

Call us on  817 579 7722  or simply book an appointment

Granbury Massage and Wellness


